Vietnam Loop

“Nostalgia”, Hanoi, Vietnam
Bún Cha Dac Kim is one of the best places to eat a Bún Cha in Hanoi. The typical dish from Northern Vietnam is served with grilled fatty pork (chả) over a plate of white rice noodle (bún) and herbs with a side dish of dipping sauce. This frame, with the opaque windows at its center, portrays the nostalgia of one of the cooks counting the money from that afternoon, while looking at the ever-busy street outside. 


“Colors Without Colors”, Saigon, Vietnam
In one of the corners of the September 23rd Park in Saigon,  the Thai Bin Market mainly serves the local population with its extensive range of fresh fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat and seafood from regions across Vietnam. Here, the vendors outside show their enormous stock of colors and smells on a regular thursday morning.

“Tropical Hammock”, QL 14E, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam
From the Ho Chi Minh Road to get to the ancient town of Hoi An, turning on the QL 14E, one can feel the air getting heavier and damper as  the road snakes inside the jungles of Quang Nam province. Little villages appear on both sides of the tarmac. In its restaurants, around the time lunch is over, tranquility reigns.

“Rain Interludes”, Hoi An, Vietnam
Places where people live with their houses “open” to the public are extremely interesting to me.  It’s just another day for this man, turning the TV on and laying back in his wooden backrest. Time moves slow when it rains in Hoi An.


“Hoi An Smile”, Hoi An, Vietnam
Reaching the idyllic riverside of Thu Bon River, in the acient town of Hoi An, this is the photograph everyone will take home. The rise of tourism changed the business for many of the locals. This sweet old lady comes in and out of her boat with fresh fruit to sell it on the streets. If you buy more bananas than what you really need you might end up with pictures similar to the ones once popularized by Rehahn. Despite that, the Hoi An smile is always so sincere...